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Open-SCCMLogsFolder [[-ComputerName] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


{{ Fill in the Description }}


Example 1

PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }}

{{ Add example description here }}



{{ Fill ComputerName Description }}

Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: Host, Name, Computer, CN

Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: "$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.




AUTHOR: Skyler Hart CREATED: Sometime before 2017-08-07 LASTEDIT: 2020-09-28 09:25:48 KEYWORDS: REQUIRES: -RunAsAdministrator on remote computers


-- CAS.log Provides information about the process of downloading software updates to the local cache and cache management.

CIAgent.log Provides information about processing configuration items, including software updates.

LocationServices.log Provides information about the location of the WSUS server when a scan is initiated on the client.

PatchDownloader.log Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source to the download destination on the site server.

Note On 64-bit operating systems and on 32-bit operating systems without Configuration Manager 2007 installed, PatchDownloader.log is created in the server logs directory. On 32-bit operating systems, if the Configuration Manager 2007 client is installed, and on the synchronization host computer for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates, PatchDownloader.log is created in the client logs directory.

PolicyAgent.log Provides information about the process for downloading, compiling, and deleting policies on client computers.

PolicyEvaluator Provides information about the process for evaluating policies on client computers, including policies from software updates.

RebootCoordinator.log Provides information about the process for coordinating system restarts on client computers after software update installations.

ScanAgent.log Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, what tool is requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on.

ScanWrapper Provides information about the prerequisite checks and the scan process initialization for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients.

SdmAgent.log Provides information about the process for verifying and decompressing packages that contain configuration item information for software updates.

ServiceWindowManager.log Provides information about the process for evaluating configured maintenance windows.

smscliUI.log Provides information about the Configuration Manager Control Panel user interactions, such as initiating an Software Updates Scan Cycle from the Configuration Manager Properties dialog box, opening the Program Download Monitor, and so on.

SmsWusHandler Provides information about the scan process for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on SMS 2003 client computers.

StateMessage.log Provides information about when software updates state messages are created and sent to the management point.

UpdatesDeployment.log Provides information about the deployment on the client, including software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. Verbose logging shows additional information about the interaction with the client user interface.

UpdatesHandler.log Provides information about software update compliance scanning, and the download and installation of software updates on the client.

UpdatesStore.log Provides information about the compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle.

WUAHandler.log Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent on the client searches for software updates.

WUSSyncXML.log Provides information about the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates synchronization process. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates. --]()